Reduced Fares

Are you eligible for a reduced fare? 

We offer reduced fares and passes for:

  • Senior Citizens (65+ or born on or before September 1, 1959)
  • Medicare Recipients (not MediCal)
  • People with disabilities who qualify under 49 USC 5307(d)(1)(D) and 49 CFR Part 609
  • Youth ages 6-18 (school ID, transit identification, or government-issued photo ID required): NEW The Youth Opportunity Pass pilot program offers free transit for Youth with a PRONTO app account or card, through June 2023. Learn more.

To purchase and use a discounted pass, you will be required to show proper identification demonstrating your eligibility.

We accept the following identification:

  • PRONTO Card Photo ID (Preferred)
  • A valid government-issued photo ID with birthdate (for seniors and youth)
  • Medicare card + government-issued photo ID
  • DMV Placard ID (Receipt) + a government-issued photo ID
  • Senior ID card (65+ or born on or before September 1, 1959)
  • School ID (for youth)
  • NCTD or other California transit agency unexpired reduced fare disabled or complementary paratransit ID + government issued photo ID (if no photo included on disabled ID)

You must have one of these forms of ID with you to prove eligibility when applying for a reduced fare, and at all times when riding.

PRONTO app accounts and PRONTO cards issued at ticket machines and retail outlets are Adult rates by default. Users who qualify for a reduced fare must convert their app account and/or PRONTO card to a reduced fare account to receive the discounted pass rates. Riders can convert to a reduced fare online (see below), at the MTS Transit Store or NCTD Customer Service Centers, or over the phone with the PRONTO Support team at 619-595-5636. Accounts converted online or over the phone have a limited eligibility date, through July 31, 2023.

PRONTO Reduced Fare Eligibility Notice

The eligibility for all reduced fare cards issued at PRONTO outreach events, or cards issued at retail outlets or ticket machines and were later converted online or over the phone, expires July 31, 2023. Riders will need to re-verify their eligibility at the Transit Store prior to July 31, 2023 to continue to receive the reduced fare rate.

Request Change for your PRONTO Card

Did you get an Adult fare PRONTO card that needs to be switched over to Reduced Fare? We now have a request form online to help you with that transition. Please note: riders must confirm they have and will travel with valid, accepted forms of eligibility when applying for a reduced fare rate. Failure to travel with proof of eligibility may result in a fine.

Request a Reduced Fare Card Change

Application Process

You can apply for reduced fares in one of two ways:

Short Form - if you already have one of the forms of ID listed above
Long Form - if you have a medical disability and do not have one of the qualifying forms of ID listed above